New Report: Improving the Production of Disability Statistics in the Arab Countries
ESCWA’s Statistics, Information Society and Technology Cluster announces the release of technical guidance for Arab countries, Regional Guidelines on Improving the Production of Disability Statistics in the Arab Countries.
Remembering Dr. Barbara M. Altman
The Washington Group on Disability Statistics mourns the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Barbara M. Altman, Ph.D. Barbara was a giant in the design, collection, and analysis of disability data. Over a decades-long career...
24th Annual Washington Group Meeting - Recordings Now Available
The Washington Group on Disability Statistics held its 24th Annual Meeting virtually on 8-10 October 2024.
Recordings for each day of the meeting can be accessed here:
Day 1 - 8 October 2024 Day 2 - 9 October 2024 Day 3 - 10...
How to Create a WG Country Report on Disability: Recording Available & Follow Up Webinar Information
Recording Now Available!
Introduction to Creating a Country Report on Disability
In 2020, the Washington Group on Disability Statistics (WG) membership endorsed the development of standard reports on disability from countries....
New Tools for Fostering Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Education: Release of the CFM-TV and IEM
Now Available: The Child Functioning Module - Teacher Version and the Inclusive Education Module
The WG and UNICEF have just released two new data collection tools to foster inclusion of children with disabilities in education. ...
New Report: Maldives Bureau of Statistics releases disability data collected in 2022 Census
“Disability in The Maldives: An analysis from Census 2022”
The Population and Housing Census of Maldives collects comprehensive data across a range of topics, and for the first time in 2022, collected information on disability...
Statement on the Inclusion of Learners with Disabilities – GLAD-IDA statement at Conference on Education Data and Statistics supports use of Child Functioning Module
GLAD-IDA statement at Conference on Education Data and Statistics supports use of Child Functioning Module
Disability Resources for the ESCWA Region
The UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia’s (ESCWA) Disability Statistics program aims to improve the production, dissemination and communication of disability statistics in areas of critical concern, including those...
New Report: Children with Disabilities in Eastern and Southern Africa: A Statistical Overview of Their Well-Being
As part of UNICEF’s continued efforts, this new report provides regional estimates (drawn from 128 data sources) of children with disabilities in Eastern and Southern Africa. It also includes internationally comparable data...
Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs
Data Workshop for OPDs
The Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities was developed by CBM Global Disability Inclusion and UNFPA Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with the Stakeholder...