Seventeenth meeting: October 30 – November 2, 2017 in Sydney, Australia.
Executive Summary
Detailed Meeting Program
Pre-Meeting Session
- Pre-meeting Session I: Background, History, and Development of WG’s Data Collection Tools [pdf]
- Pre-meeting Session II: Important Considerations for Implementation of the WG Tools and Analysis of Resulting Data [pdf]
Annual Meeting
Session 1: Opening Session
Session 2: WG – 17: Objectives and Agenda
Session 3: WG Data Collection Tools – Guidance and Resources
Session 4: WG Data Collection Tools – Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions
- Data Collection Tools Developed by the Washington Group
- The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning
- Translation of the Washington Group Tools
- The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning Question Specifications
- Analytic Guidelines for the Washington Group Short Set
- Analytic Guidelines for the Washington Group Extended Set
Session 5: Measuring Environmental Factors and Participation
- Review of additional work on the WG/UNICEF Module on Inclusive Education for Children and discussion of next steps [pdf]
- Review of additional work on the development of a disability module intended for use in labor force surveys and discussion of next steps [pdf]
Session 6: Development of Measures Specific to Mental Health
- Update from the mental health workgroup: Presentation of goals, previous work, further analysis of the WG affect questions, and recommendations [pdf]
- Potential enhancements to the WG tools to more completely cover mental health functioning [pdf]
Session 7: Implementation and Capacity Building – Next Steps
Session 8: Disability in Australia and New Zealand
- Using the WG Short Set in Australia: Results from the Supplementary Disability Survey [pdf]
- Disability data and Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population [pdf]
- Using the WG Short Set in New Zealand: Results from Two Household Surveys [pdf]
Session 9: Measuring Disability in Asia and the Pacific Region using the WG Questions
- Use of the WG Extended Set on Functioning and WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module in the Vietnam Disability Survey [pdf]
- Experiences field testing the WG Extended Set on Functioning and WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module in Thailand [pdf]
- Overview of the collection on disability data in Cambodia [pdf]
- Use of the WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module for disaggregation by disability status in Fiji’s Education Management Information System [pdf]
Session 10: Country Experience and Activities Related to Disability Statistics
- Summary of annual activities related to disability statistics [pdf]
- Using the WG Short Set in the US: Results from the US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) [pdf]
- Use of WG Short Set for Emergency Situations [pdf]
- Use of Washington Group Short Set of Questions: Summary from Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2011 and Secondary Data Analysis Opportunity [pdf]