Seventeenth meeting: October 30 – November 2, 2017 in Sydney, Australia.

30/10/2017 - 02/11/2017

Executive Summary

Detailed Meeting Program

Pre-Meeting Session

  1. Pre-meeting Session I: Background, History, and Development of WG’s Data Collection Tools [pdf]
  2. Pre-meeting Session II: Important Considerations for Implementation of the WG Tools and Analysis of Resulting Data [pdf]

Annual Meeting

Session 1: Opening Session

Session 2: WG – 17: Objectives and Agenda

Session 3: WG Data Collection Tools – Guidance and Resources

Session 4: WG Data Collection Tools – Best Practices, Challenges and Solutions


  1. Data Collection Tools Developed by the Washington Group
  2. The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning
  3. Translation of the Washington Group Tools
  4. The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning Question Specifications
  5. Analytic Guidelines for the Washington Group Short Set
  6. Analytic Guidelines for the Washington Group Extended Set

Session 5: Measuring Environmental Factors and Participation

Session 6: Development of Measures Specific to Mental Health

Session 7: Implementation and Capacity Building – Next Steps

Session 8: Disability in Australia and New Zealand

  1. Using the WG Short Set in Australia: Results from the Supplementary Disability Survey [pdf]
  2. Disability data and Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population [pdf]
  3. Using the WG Short Set in New Zealand: Results from Two Household Surveys [pdf]

Session 9: Measuring Disability in Asia and the Pacific Region using the WG Questions

  1. Use of the WG Extended Set on Functioning and WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module in the Vietnam Disability Survey [pdf]
  2. Experiences field testing the WG Extended Set on Functioning and WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module in Thailand [pdf]
  3. Overview of the collection on disability data in Cambodia [pdf]
  4. Use of the WG/UNICEF Child Functioning Module for disaggregation by disability status in Fiji’s Education Management Information System [pdf]

Session 10: Country Experience and Activities Related to Disability Statistics

  1. Summary of annual activities related to disability statistics [pdf]
  2. Using the WG Short Set in the US: Results from the US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) [pdf]
  3. Use of WG Short Set for Emergency Situations [pdf]
  4. Use of Washington Group Short Set of Questions: Summary from Uganda Demographic Health Survey 2011 and Secondary Data Analysis Opportunity [pdf]

Session 11: Next Steps and Objectives for the 18th Meeting