Who has endorsed/used the WG questions?
The WG-SS has been
- used in censuses or surveys in over 75 countries,
- has been promoted by international aid programs (DFID/UK and DFAT/Australia) as the means to collect disability data in all programs and projects,
- has been introduced as the means for collecting disability data by the UN Statistical Division (UNSD) and the UN Economic Commission for Europe for the 2020 round of censuses, and
- has been endorsed by an Expert Group under the auspices of United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) as the means to disaggregate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators by disability status.
- UNICEF has included the Child Functioning Module (CFM) and WG-SS in the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
- US AID has developed a disability module that includes the WG-SS in the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
- World Bank (WB) is scaling up the inclusion of the WG-SS into future WB-sponsored household surveys, including the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS).