Translations of WG Question Sets
The Washington Group Short Set, Extended Set and Short-Set Enhanced Question Sets have been translated into the official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) and two other commonly used languages (Portuguese as used in Brazil and Portugal and Vietnamese). The translations were done by professional translators and where possible reviewed by WG members. Please inform the WG secretariat concerning any errors in the translations.
Click on the language option to choose the translation of choice, then click the required question set to access the translations.
The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning (WG-SS)
The Washington Group Short Set on Functioning – Enhanced (WG-SS Enhanced)
The Washington Group Extended Set on Functioning (WG-ES)
Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)
Arabic: تمھید إلى مجموعة الأسئلة المف ّصلة: (WG-SS Enhanced)
Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة المفصلة المتعلقة بتأدية الوظائف (WG-ES)
Chinese: 华盛顿工作团关于残疾情况的简短问卷 (WG-SS)
Chinese: 下面几个问题是想了解你因为健康原因从事某些活动时是否有困难 (WG-SS Enhanced)
Chinese: 华盛顿小组 详细功能问题集(WG-ES)
Portuguese (Brazil): Lista curta de perguntas sobre deficiências do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS)
Portuguese (Brazil): Conjunto de Perguntas sobre Funcionalidade do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)
Portuguese (Brazil): Conjunto Ampliado de Perguntas sobre Funcionalidade do Grupo de Washington (WG-ES)
Portuguese (Portugal): O pequeno conjunto de perguntas sobre deficiência do Washington Group (WG-SS)
Portuguese (Portugal): Conjunto Alargado de Funcionalidade do Washington Group (WG-SS Enhanced)
Portuguese (Portugal): Conjunto Alargado de Funcionalidade do Washington Group (WG-ES)
Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS)
Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS Enhanced)
Russian: Вашингтонская группа Расширенный опросник по функциональным способностям (WG-ES)
Spanish: Lista breve de preguntas sobre la discapacidad del Grupo de Washington (WG-SS)
Spanish: Lista breve de preguntas sobre la discapacidad del Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)
Spanish: Lista ampliada de preguntas sobre funcionamiento del Grupo de Washington (WG-ES)
Vietnamese: Bộ Câu Hỏi Ngắn của Washington Group về Tình Trạng Khuyết Tật (WG-SS)
Vietnamese: Bộ Câu Hỏi Ngắn của Washington Group về Tình Trạng Khuyết Tật (WG-SS Enhanced)
Vietnamese: Bộ câu hỏi Mở rộng về Thực hiện Hoạt động của Nhóm Washington (WG-ES)
Spanish: ILO Módulo sobre discapacidad para encuestas de población activa del Grupo de Washington y la OIT
Arabic: ILO فر#ق واشنطن / منظمة العمل الدولية
Chinese: ILO 华盛顿小组/国际劳工组织(ILO)
Portuguese: ILO Washington Group/OIT Módulo sobre Incapacidade do Inquérito à Força de Trabalho (LFS-DM)
Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)
Russian: ILO Вашингтонская группа/МОТ Модуль обследования рабочей силы по инвалидности (МО-РСИ)
Vietnamese: ILO Mô-đun về Khuyết Tật Trong Khảo Sát Lực Lượng Lao Động (LFS-DM) của Nhóm Washington/ ILO
The Washington Group / ILO Labor Force Survey Disability Module (LFS-DM)
French: Petit ensemble de questions sur le handicap du Groupe de Washington (WG-SS)
French: Petit ensemble de questions sur le handicap du Groupe de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)
French: Le Groupe de Washington Questionnaire détaillé sur le fonctionnement (WG-ES)
French: ILO Le Groupe de Washington et l’Organisation internationale du Travail Module consacré au handicap dans les enquêtes sur la population active
In addition to the official UN translations listed above, partners who have translated the question sets for their own use have, in many cases, made these available to the Washington Group. These translations have not undergone any WG-sponsored cognitive testing and should be reviewed carefully prior to implementation.
Search available translations by country or by language below. In some cases, more than one language is available for a country.
Unofficial translations
Country | Language |
Afghanistan | Dari |
Afghanistan | Pashto |
Algeria | French |
Bangladesh | Bengali |
Belarus | Russian |
Brazil | Portuguese |
Cambodia | Khmer |
China | Mandarin |
Curacao | Dutch |
Curacao | Papiamento |
Czech Republic | Czech |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Kinyarwanda |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Swahili |
Egypt | Arabic |
Ethiopia | Amharic |
Finland | Finnish |
Finland | Swedish |
Georgia | Armenian |
Georgia | Azerbaijani |
Georgia | Georgian |
Germany | German |
India | Telegu |
Iraq | Kurdish (Bahdini) |
Iraq | Kurdish (Sorani) |
Jordan | Arabic |
Kenya | Kiswahili |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kosovo | Albanian |
Kosovo | Serbian |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyz |
Kyrgyzstan | Russian |
Lao | Lao |
Lebanon | Arabic |
Lesotho | Sesotho |
Madagascar | French |
Madagascar | Malagasy |
Malawi | Chichewa |
Mongolia | Mongolian |
Montenegro | Albanian |
Montenegro | Montenergin |
Myanmar | Burmese |
Nepal | Bhojpuri |
Nepal | Nepali |
The Netherlands | Dutch |
North Macedonia | Albanian |
North Macedonia | Macedonian |
Palestine | Arabic |
Papua New Guinea | Tok Pisin |
Philippines | Tagalog |
Samoa | Samoan |
Serbia | Serbian |
Sierra Leone | Krio |
Sierra Leone | Mende |
Sierra Leone | Tenme |
Singapore | Chinese |
Singapore | Malay |
Singapore | Tamil |
South Africa | Afrikaans |
South Africa | Isixhosa |
South Africa | Isizulu |
South Africa | Sesotho |
South Africa | Setswana |
South Africa | Siswati |
South Korea | Korean |
Suriname | Dutch |
Tanzania | Swahili |
Thailand | Thai |
Timor Leste | Tetun |
Tonga | Tongan |
Turkmenistan | Russian |
Turkmenistan | Turkmen |
Tuvalu | Tuvluan |
Uganda | Ateso |
Uganda | Karamojong |
Uganda | Luganda |
Uganda | Lugbara |
Uganda | Luo |
Uganda | Lusoga |
Uganda | Rukonzo |
Uganda | Runyankole-Rukiga |
Uganda | Runyoro/Toro |
Uganda | Rutooro |
Uganda | Swahili |
Ukraine | Ukrainian |
Zambia | Nyanja |
Yemen | Arabic |
Zimbabwe | Ndebele |
Zimbabwe | Shona |
Any questions concerning the translations should be sent to the Secretariat. Copies of these translations are available through the WG Secretariat:
If you have translated any of the WG Question Sets into a language not yet listed here and would like to share the translation, the WG would be happy to make them available. Please contact the WG Secretariat.