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551 results:

Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs

Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs Data Workshop for OPDs The Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities was developed by CBM Global Disability…

UNICEF Centre of Excellence Summer School Course on Analyzing Data on Children with Disabilities

UNICEF Centre of Excellence Summer School Course on Analyzing Data on Children with Disabilities 21 to 24 August 2023 Rovereto, Italy The Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with…

UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - Call for Proposals

UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - Call for Proposals UNICEF’s Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities has launched a call for proposals on…

WG Featured in Feminist Economic Empowerment Newsletter

WG Featured in Feminist Economic Empowerment Newsletter The Washington Group was featured in the recent newsletter of the Feminist Economic Empowerment group. The newsletter can be found here. The…

Open House - UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - 25 April 2023

Open House - UNICEF Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities - 25 April 2023 UNICEF’s Centre of Excellence on Data for Children with Disabilities will host an open house webinar…

Judy Heumann, Disability Rights Activist

Judy Heumann, Disability Rights Activist The Washington Group on Disability Statistics mourns the passing of Judy Heumann. Judy was a friend and early supporter of the WG. She championed the rights…

New Content! WG Videos on Disability

New Content! WG Videos on Disability The WG has partnered with Sightsavers and the Center for Inclusive Policy to produce a series of 5 videos. The WG has partnered with the Center for…

About the WG

A Short History on the Question Sets Developed by the Washington Group In 2001, the International Seminar on the Measurement of Disability was held in New York. During this meeting…

WG Videos on Disability

The WG has produced a series of videos in partnership with the Center for Inclusive Policy designed to maximize the accessibility of information addressing common themes and topics related to the…

Implementation Guidelines: How to use the WG questions

Translated Tools These guidelines provide an overview of the WG methodology actualized in the development of disability data collection modules for censuses and surveys. In addition to…