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551 results:
When does disability begin? Identifying the age of onset When a disability starts affects how that disability influences someone's life. How can we add to the Washington Group questions to collect…
The Washington Group / ILO Labor Force Survey Disability Module (LFS-DM)
French: ILO Le Groupe de Washington et l’Organisation internationale du Travail Module consacré au handicap dans les enquêtes sur la population active
Vietnamese: ILO Mô-đun về Khuyết Tật Trong Khảo Sát Lực Lượng Lao Động (LFS-DM) của Nhóm Washington/ ILO
Russian: ILO Вашингтонская группа/МОТ Модуль обследования рабочей силы по инвалидности (МО-РСИ)
Brazil: ILO Módulo sobre Deficiências para Pesquisas sobre a Força de Trabalho do Grupo de Washington/OIT (LFS-DM)
Portuguese: ILO Washington Group/OIT Módulo sobre Incapacidade do Inquérito à Força de Trabalho (LFS-DM)
Chinese: ILO 华盛顿小组/国际劳工组织(ILO)
Arabic: ILO فر#ق واشنطن / منظمة العمل الدولية
Spanish: ILO Módulo sobre discapacidad para encuestas de población activa del Grupo de Washington y la OIT
Search results 341 to 350 of 551