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551 results:

Twentieth Annual Meeting scheduled for September 2020 in Mombasa, Kenya: Postponed

Twentieth Annual Meeting scheduled for September 2020 in Mombasa, Kenya: Postponed After careful consideration, a decision has been made to postpone the in-person annual meeting of the Washington…

The Washington Group / ILO Labor Force Survey Disability Module (LFS-DM)

The Washington Group / ILO Labor Force Survey Disability Module (LFS-DM) The Washington Group / ILO Labor Force Survey Disability Module (LFS-DM) was developed, tested and adopted by the…

Using the Washington Group Short Set in a Telephone Survey

Using the Washington Group Short Set in a Telephone Survey Surveys are not always delivered face to face, and especially in times like the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, the option of…

Vietnamese: Bộ Câu Hỏi Ngắn của Washington Group về Tình Trạng Khuyết Tật (WG-SS Enhanced)

Vietnamese: Bộ Câu Hỏi Ngắn của Washington Group về Tình Trạng Khuyết Tật (WG-SS Enhanced)

Spanish: Lista breve de preguntas sobre la discapacidad del Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)

Spanish: Lista breve de preguntas sobre la discapacidad del Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)

Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS Enhanced)

Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS Enhanced)

Portuguese (Portugal): Conjunto Alargado de Funcionalidade do Washington Group (WG-SS Enhanced)

Portuguese (Portugal): Conjunto Alargado de Funcionalidade do Washington Group (WG-SS Enhanced)

French: Le Groupe de Washington Questionnaire détaillé sur le fonctionnement (WG-SS Enhanced)

French: Le Groupe de Washington Questionnaire détaillé sur le fonctionnement (WG-SS Enhanced)

Chinese: 下面几个问题是想了解你因为健康原因从事某些活动时是否有困难 (WG-SS Enhanced)

Chinese: 下面几个问题是想了解你因为健康原因从事某些活动时是否有困难 (WG-SS Enhanced)

Portuguese (Brazil): Conjunto de Perguntas sobre Funcionalidade do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)

Portuguese (Brazil): Conjunto de Perguntas sobre Funcionalidade do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS Enhanced)