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551 results:

Disaggregation by Disability Status: A Report on Selected Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicators

Disaggregation by Disability Status: A Report on Selected Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicators The inclusion of persons with disabilities in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has…

WG-Extended Set: Results of Cognitive and Field Testing – UN ESCAP 2010

WG-Extended Set: Results of Cognitive and Field Testing – UN ESCAP 2010 The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) carried out a set of projects to improve…

What is the purpose of the WG?

A UN International Seminar on Disability Measurement held in 2001 highlighted the need for standard principles and measures of disability in all national data collection systems and the…

Who has endorsed/used the WG questions?

The WG-SS has been used in censuses or surveys in over 75 countries, has been promoted by international aid programs (DFID/UK and DFAT/Australia) as the means to collect disability data in all…

Who is entitled to be a WG member and how?

Membership is open to any United Nations Member State. If you are interested in attending a meeting or organizing training you should contact The Secretariat.

Who are the Washington Group?

The Washington Group (WG) on Disability Statistics is a United Nations Statistics Commission City Group formed of representatives of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) working on…

Does the Short Set apply to all age groups?

The six WG questions were designed for a census context (general population 5 years of age and above) where the collection of disability data in a country may be otherwise very limited. The WG has…

Can I use the key informant method to identify specific individuals with disabilities for further support?

While the key informant method may identify some people with disabilities, particularly those with more obvious types of impairment, assessing functioning of individuals through observation or…

Can the Short Set be answered by a proxy respondent?

Ideally, the questions should be answered by the individual in question (self-report) with the exception of those who are not capable of responding themselves. However, in a census setting and for…

How do I train enumerators?

Training enumerators in how to use the WG questions is crucial and should ideally be followed up by ongoing supervision in the field. Key points to emphasize in training include: The word…