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548 results:

Detailed Program Schedule 2

Detailed Program Schedule 2

Differences in Reported Disability Prevalence Rates: Is something wrong if I don’t get 15%?

Differences in Reported Disability Prevalence Rates: Is something wrong if I don’t get 15%?

Differences in Reported Disability Prevalence Rates: Is something wrong if I don’t get 15%? The World Disability Report is often cited as estimating that 15% of the population has a disability, but…

Differential challenges of people with disabilities in the context of Covid-19: Insights from Colombia

Differential challenges of people with disabilities in the context of Covid-19: Insights from Colombia

Disability And Data: Need For Numbers And Narratives

Disability And Data: Need For Numbers And Narratives Persons with disabilities have remained largely invisible in data collection efforts. Therefore, commitments to adopt questions developed by the…

Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit Released

Disability Data Advocacy Toolkit Released On October 21, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, the International Disability Alliance, and CBM Global Disability Inclusion officially…

Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs

Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for OPDs Data Workshop for OPDs The Disability Data Advocacy Workshop for Organizations of Persons with Disabilities was developed by CBM Global Disability…

Disability Data For Effective Policy Design: Reflections From The TEACH Project In Pakistan

Disability Data For Effective Policy Design: Reflections From The TEACH Project In Pakistan As part of the Teaching All Children Effectively (TEACH) project the University of Cambridge and IDEAS,…

Disability Disaggregation: Envisioning Inclusive Development

Disability Disaggregation: Envisioning Inclusive Development Inclusion is the guiding principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which includes the pledge to leave no one behind and to…

Disability Measurement and Monitoring using the Washington Group Disability Questions

Disability Measurement and Monitoring using the Washington Group Disability Questions

Disability Measurement and the Washington Group on Disability Statistics for Non-Government Organisations, March 2017

Disability Measurement and the Washington Group on Disability Statistics for Non-Government Organisations, March 2017 Note: The video links will take you to the University College London website,…