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Video 1: Maybe you’ve heard about the Washington group on disability statistics. I’d like to tell you a little bit about it. The WG was established under the UN statistical commission in 2002…


Video 2: I’d like to tell you a little bit about the approach of the WG in measuring disability. From the very beginning we decided that we needed a framework to build our modules on and we chose…


Video 3: I’d like to tell you a little bit about one the tools that we’ve developed - that’s the short set of questions on disability that was designed specifically for censuses but has since…


Video 4: I want to tell you a little bit more about the short set of questions. They were developed for a number of reasons – we needed questions that were brief, that were simple, that were…


Video 5: Now I want to talk a little bit about data analysis using the short set of questions. We need data so that we can measure disability prevalence rates. We want to make comparisons, not only…


Video 6: I wanted to talk a little bit about data collection methodology - some of the things that we do in the WG that apply to any data collection anywhere. We think that these are good methods…

How are people with disability identified by the WG-SS questions?

The WG-SS question response categories capture a range of severity in the difficulty experienced. Multiple disability scenarios can be described depending on the domain(s) of interest and the choice…

How Are The Washington Group Questions Consistent With The Social Model Of Disability?

How Are The Washington Group Questions Consistent With The Social Model Of Disability? The social model of disability is a complex model that incorporates the interaction between people’s functional…

How Can Administrative Data Be Used For Collecting Data On Disability?

How Can Administrative Data Be Used For Collecting Data On Disability? Administrative data have been suggested as a means to analyze the prevalence of disability as well as for disaggregating…

How do I train enumerators?

Training enumerators in how to use the WG questions is crucial and should ideally be followed up by ongoing supervision in the field. Key points to emphasize in training include: The word…