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548 results:

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action Sightsavers recounts their efforts to use the WG-SS in a programmatic setting in several developing countries. They found it made…

Environment and Participation update mid-year meeting

Environment and Participation update mid-year meeting

Empowering Inclusive Living for All People: Insights from the 2023/2024 Kenya Housing Survey

Empowering Inclusive Living for All People: Insights from the 2023/2024 Kenya Housing Survey This blog highlights the 2023/2024 Kenya Housing Survey as a model for collecting data on disability and…

Elizabeth Presentation

Elizabeth Presentation

Eleventh meeting: Southampton, 14-16 November 2011

Eleventh meeting: Southampton, 14-16 November 2011 The Washington Group began to monitor the use the WG Short Set in national data collections (censuses and surveys). Preliminary analyses of data…

Eighth meeting: Manila, 29-31 October 2008

Eighth meeting: Manila, 29-31 October 2008 Work on the extended set continued by expanding upon the set of domains already covered in the short set, and adding supplementary questions within domains…

Eighteenth meeting: November 6-9, 2018 in Rome, Italy

Eighteenth meeting: November 6-9, 2018 in Rome, Italy WG-18 was co-hosted by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the…

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter?

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter?

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter? The WG-SS identifies most people with disabilities. While 6 questions cannot identify everyone, the population identified by…

Does the Short Set apply to all age groups?

The six WG questions were designed for a census context (general population 5 years of age and above) where the collection of disability data in a country may be otherwise very limited. The WG has…

Do the questions refer to the use of assistive devices?

The intention with the Short Set questions is to record, with the exception of seeing and hearing, difficulties people have with unaccommodated functioning (without the use of assistive devices or…