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548 results:

Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS)

Russian: Краткий набор вопросов по инвалидности Вашингтонской группы (WG-SS)

Portuguese (Portugal): O pequeno conjunto de perguntas sobre deficiência do Washington Group (WG-SS)

Portuguese (Portugal): O pequeno conjunto de perguntas sobre deficiência do Washington Group (WG-SS)

French: Petit ensemble de questions sur le handicap du Groupe de Washington (WG-SS)

French: Petit ensemble de questions sur le handicap du Groupe de Washington (WG-SS)

Chinese: 华盛顿工作团关于残疾情况的简短问卷 (WG-SS)

Chinese: 华盛顿工作团关于残疾情况的简短问卷 (WG-SS)

Portuguese (Brazil): Lista curta de perguntas sobre deficiências do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS)

Portuguese (Brazil): Lista curta de perguntas sobre deficiências do Grupo de Washington (WG-SS)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)

Arabic: مجموعة الأسئلة القصیرة الخاصة بفریق واشنطن حول الإعاقة (WG-SS)

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability

Using the Washington Group Tools to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 on Persons with Disability The COVID-19 pandemic has provided additional and strong evidence of the need for data 1 disaggregation to…

WG Partners and Collaborations

WG Partners and Collaborations The WG has built a network of partnerships and collaborations to aid in fulfilling its mandate. These include National Statistical Organizations (NSOs), Disabled…

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members?

Can I ask the WG questions to a single household respondent for all household members? The WG questions are intended to be administered individually to each person selected to be a respondent in a…