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548 results:

Reports to the UN Secretary General on Activities of the WG – as documented for the UN Statistical Commission

Reports to the UN Secretary General on Activities of the WG – as documented for the UN Statistical Commission As a City Group constituted under the auspices of the UN Statistical Commission, the…

Why Global Health And Functioning Indicators Like The GALI Are Not Suitable For Disaggregation

Why Global Health And Functioning Indicators Like The GALI Are Not Suitable For Disaggregation This blog explains why the single question on disability linked to participation that some countries…

Disability Data For Effective Policy Design: Reflections From The TEACH Project In Pakistan

Disability Data For Effective Policy Design: Reflections From The TEACH Project In Pakistan As part of the Teaching All Children Effectively (TEACH) project the University of Cambridge and IDEAS,…

Disaggregation by Disability: A way forward

Disaggregation by Disability: A way forward This article gives an overview of the progress made using the WG questions for the purposes of disaggregation. In this article, Mitchell Loeb, a Health…

The Washington Group Questions And The Disability Continuum

The Washington Group Questions And The Disability Continuum Data based on the Washington Group questions can be used in different ways to get at the diversity among persons who report a range of…

Data To Leave No One Behind And The Washington Group

Data To Leave No One Behind And The Washington Group

Data To Leave No One Behind And The Washington Group This blog from Development Initiatives discusses how the Washington Group questions advance the goal of using data to leave no one behind. It…

Should The Washington Group Questions Determine If Difficulties Are Long-term Or Short-term?

Should The Washington Group Questions Determine If Difficulties Are Long-term Or Short-term?

Should The Washington Group Questions Determine If Difficulties Are Long-term Or Short-term? This blog explains the reasoning behind the lack of any explicit mention of whether an activity limitation…


Video 4: I want to tell you a little bit more about the short set of questions. They were developed for a number of reasons – we needed questions that were brief, that were simple, that were…


Video 1: Maybe you’ve heard about the Washington group on disability statistics. I’d like to tell you a little bit about it. The WG was established under the UN statistical commission in 2002…


Video 6: I wanted to talk a little bit about data collection methodology - some of the things that we do in the WG that apply to any data collection anywhere. We think that these are good methods…