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548 results:

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter?

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter?

Does The WG-SS Identify All People With Disabilities, And Does It Matter? The WG-SS identifies most people with disabilities. While 6 questions cannot identify everyone, the population identified by…

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action

Everybody Counts: Putting The Washington Group Questions Into Action Sightsavers recounts their efforts to use the WG-SS in a programmatic setting in several developing countries. They found it made…

How Does The WG-SS Differ From Disability Eligibility Determination?

How Does The WG-SS Differ From Disability Eligibility Determination? The WG-SS goes beyond identifying those who would be eligible for specific disability programs. This blog explores the difference…

Washington Group Questions And The Sustainable Development Goals

Washington Group Questions And The Sustainable Development Goals

Washington Group Questions And The Sustainable Development Goals The WG-SS questions are designed in a manner – both conceptually and practically – that makes them an excellent tool for…

Translating The Washington Group Short Set Questions

Translating The Washington Group Short Set Questions

Translating The Washington Group Short Set Questions Responses to surveys are very sensitive to how questions are worded. This blog summarizes the methodology recommended by the WG for translating…

How Are The Washington Group Questions Consistent With The Social Model Of Disability?

How Are The Washington Group Questions Consistent With The Social Model Of Disability? The social model of disability is a complex model that incorporates the interaction between people’s functional…

First meeting: Washington, D.C., 18-20 February 2002

First meeting: Washington, D.C., 18-20 February 2002 Representatives of national statistical agencies and international organizations of people with disabilities participated in 3 days of sessions…

Online Webinar: UNICEF Disability Data Collection – and Companion Booklet

Online Webinar: UNICEF Disability Data Collection – and Companion Booklet With the view to promoting Inclusive Education systems, the UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)/the…