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Video 2: I’d like to tell you a little bit about the approach of the WG in measuring disability. From the very beginning we decided that we needed a framework to build our modules on and we chose…


Video 5: Now I want to talk a little bit about data analysis using the short set of questions. We need data so that we can measure disability prevalence rates. We want to make comparisons, not only…


Video 3: I’d like to tell you a little bit about one the tools that we’ve developed - that’s the short set of questions on disability that was designed specifically for censuses but has since…

Training On How To Ask “Disability” Questions On Censuses And Surveys

Training On How To Ask “Disability” Questions On Censuses And Surveys

Training On How To Ask “Disability” Questions On Censuses And Surveys This blog entry provides information on how to train interviewers for dealing with disability in either surveys or censuses. It…

Online training: Understanding and Using the WG Short Set

Online training: Understanding and Using the WG Short Set This 2-hour course has been designed to support humanitarian program staff understand, plan for and use, the Washington Group questions to…

Online Webinar: Disability and Data – What Can We Count On? 2015

Online Webinar: Disability and Data – What Can We Count On? 2015 To understand disability and design evidence-based and inclusive policies, governments and development organizations need reliable…

Basic Guide To Sampling For Disability Surveys

Basic Guide To Sampling For Disability Surveys This blog discusses some basic guidance on how to determine an appropriate sample size for surveys collecting information on people with disabilities.…

Using The Washington Group Questions To Monitor Inclusion Of Persons With Disabilities In Nepal, Cameroon, India And Guatemala

Using The Washington Group Questions To Monitor Inclusion Of Persons With Disabilities In Nepal, Cameroon, India And Guatemala

Using The Washington Group Questions To Monitor Inclusion Of Persons With Disabilities In Nepal, Cameroon, India And Guatemala Researchers at the International Centre for Evidence in Disability used…

Cognitive Interviewing For The Washington Group

Cognitive Interviewing For The Washington Group

Cognitive Interviewing For The Washington Group Writing effective questions that produce reliable data requires testing. Cognitive interviewing is an important methodology for making sure that…

The Washington Group Questions In Action: Six Lessons Sightsavers Has Learned So Far…

The Washington Group Questions In Action: Six Lessons Sightsavers Has Learned So Far…

The Washington Group Questions In Action: Six Lessons Sightsavers Has Learned So Far… A follow-up to Sightsaver’s previous blog entry in this series, this entry explains the key findings from using…